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Board of Directors & Executive Committee Election 2022

The votes are in! As announced on Monday. August 22, 2022 on Facebook, the postponed MAMSA 2022 Board of Directors/Executive Committee Election opened at approximately 7:00 PM on Monday, August 15 and closed at approximately 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 17 (after some minor technical issues).  After Paper and Electronic Ballots were cast through our Google Forms app, the votes were counted the election results were announced as follows:

Term: July 1, 2022 – July 30. 2024


Executive Committee: 

Kelly Patrick - President
Alice Settle-Raskin - Vice President
Dick Swanson - Treasurer
Vacant until filled/appointed - Secretary


Board of Directors:


Deborah Franks-Earls

Lauren Pulz

Michelle Wenck

Laura Zaborowski

Also, appointed to fulfill two vacated Board of Directors positions for the term, July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023, are:


Billy Deavers

Ray Miller

Board of Directors Slate - vote for four (4)
Executive Committee - Vote for Up to Four (4)



Kelly Patrick
I have been a MAMSA Member since 2016. I have served as the Secretary as well as held the role of President. During my Presidential term, I have led MAMSA in the receipt of approx. $300,000 in Grant funding. The MAMSA Grant Committee was able to disseminate over $185,000 (out of a 213,525 S.E.R.I. grant in direct relief funding to Main Street businesses. I would like to continue building trust thru collaboration in our Main Street community.


Alice Settle-Raskin
I would like to be the next Vice President of Mount Airy Main Street Association. I have been an active Board member since July 2018, serving in the following roles: Public Relations Coordinator, Webmaster, member of the Organization Committee and Election/Nominations Committee, and appointed to Chair of the Economic Restructuring Committee. Recently I have added a commercial real estate database online on the MAMSA website to attract businesses to our downtown business district.  I have researched the Main Street America website quite thoroughly and have gleaned a lot of ideas that could help us succeed in Downtown Mount Airy. I have taken on special projects including building merchant memberships, the Directory sign as well as a “gateway” sign project to drive people to Downtown Mount Airy in 2020 I was involved in the Super Saturday virtual scroll and shop online event. I have been active in the community as the Market Master of the Mount Airy Main Street Farmers’ Market since 2016. My background includes working as a Communications professional in the public, private and nonprofit sectors within housing, economic development and agricultural arenas. I am a 2002 graduate of Hood College with my B.A. in Communications Arts/Public Relations Concentration.




Dick Swanson


[Dick has been a member since MAMSA's inception and has served as for treasurer nearly that length of time as well. He is the Water and Sewer Commissioner for the Town of Mount Airy and also leads the Ethics Commission.]

Too Be Determined. 
If a candidate doesn’t present themselves; the Board of Directors will appoint someone from the Board of Directors as acting Secretary until a permanent candidate is found.


These statements are taken as-is from the individual’s Nomination Form


Open Seat - Write-In Voters may write in a person’s name. Each write-in will count as one vote against the four allowed for each voter. 

There are four seats open on the Mount Airy Main Street Association (MAMSA) Board of Directors.  The following names were submitted as nominees to fill those slots.  The following provides you with an overview of the nominees and their statements to prepare for the MAMSA Board of Directors election at the August 15, 2022 meeting.


2022 Nominees for the Mount Airy Main Street Association August 2022 Election.


Billy Deavers 
[As the co-owner/partner of Liquidity Aleworks] I would like to keep helping build the Main Street community.


Deborah Franks-Earls
I have served as secretary for MAMSA during the last term.  That office has provided me an opportunity to learn the behind the scenes mechanics of making this organization great. I would like to serve on the board to continue to help 
build and have a vote in the directions and projects this organization continue to grown.


Raymond C. Miller

I would like to serve on MASMA’s BOD to help increase membership and to bring new ideas to the Organization. I have served as a member of the Lions Since 1992. Served as President 4 times and membership Chair 3 times. I have been a member of BNI for 25 Years including being President 10-12 times and served on the membership Committee 10-12 times. I am currently a member of the EDC since 2018 and a member of the Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce since 1994.


Lauren Pulz

As the Owner of Single Barrel Soaps I work hard to include as many local ingredients as I can and I have been a part of the Mount Airy Farmer’s Market, worked with Miscellaneous Distillery on a custom line of soaps, and a vendor at the Mount Airy Commons.  I have also participated in town events as a vendor and as an attendee with my family.  I think I can bring new ideas to MAMSA as a small business owner and as a resident. I love our Main Street and I would love to work on bringing more events, shops, and restaurants into our town to draw more people into making full day visits to our town.  


Michelle Wenck
In September of last year, my husband and I were walking around Oktoberfest when we found the big yellow MAMSA tent. After learning more about the organization and how they are connected to the community, I knew this was an organization I wanted to be a part of. I have already enjoyed my experiences with volunteering and would enjoy this opportunity to become more involved. As a Board member, I would like to actively participate in the planning and execution of both fundraising and community events. I am very organized and detail oriented and would enjoy applying these skills to future MAMSA events.

Laura Zaborowski
I'm an artist, a mom, a volunteer. I believe this town has a character and a future worth supporting, and rather than just participate in events, I should step forward to ensure that these events continue 
to enrich the town and our neighbors. More than ever communities need what brings people together. My background is in hospitality and retail across the country. I have a keen eye for presentation, and delivering a comprehensive production.


Open Seat - Write-In Voters may write in a person’s name. Each write-in will count as one vote against the four allowed for each voter. 

 Mount Airy Main Street Association Election 2022
Board of Directors & Executive Committee
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